1.1. Infoauditi definitsioone

Infoauditi olemuse mõistmiseks tutvu ka järgmiste definitsioonidega:

A process that examines how well the organisation’s information needs and deliverables connects with the organisational missions, needs and goals and objectives.

St. Clair, G. (1997). The information audit I: defining the process. - InfoManage, 4 (6), , 5-6.

Discovering, monitoring and evaluating an organisation’s information resources in order to implement, maintain, or improve the organisation’s management of information.
Buchanan, S. and F. Gibb (2008). The information audit: Methodology selection. - International Journal of Information Management, 28 (1), 3 - 11.

A systematic evaluation of information use, resources and flows, with verification by reference to both people and existing documents, in order to establish the extent to which they are contributing to an organisation’s objectives.
Orna, E. (1999). Practical Information Policies. Hampshire, Aldershot.

Information audit is a process that will effectively determine the current information environment by identifying what information is required to meet the needs of the organisation. It establishes what information is currently supplied, and allows matching of the two to identify gaps, inconsistencies and duplications. The process will also facilitate the mapping of information flows throughout the organisation and between the organisation and its external environment to enable the identification of bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
Henczel, S. (2001b). "The Information Audit as a First Step Towards Effective Knowledge Management." Information Outlook, 5 (6), 13.

An information audit requires an inventory of the way people and technology mix to ensure that the right information gets to the right people in the right form at the right time
Carring out an information audit. - http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Carrying+out+an+information+audit.-a0151090815