Kasutatud kirjandus

1. Botha, H., Boon, J. (2003). The information audit : principles and guidelines. - Libri, , vol. 53, pp. 23–38 - http://www.librijournal.org/pdf/2003-1pp23-38.pdf
2. Buchnan, S., Gibb, F. (1998). The information audit : an strategic approach. – International Journal of Information Management, 18 (1), p. 29-47.
3. Henczel, S. (2001). The information audit : a practical guide. München : Saur
4. Henczel, S. (2001).The information audit as a first step towards effective knowledge management . - Information Outlook, 5 (6). - http://www.sla.org/content/Shop/Information/infoonline/2001/jun01/Henczel.cfm
5. Orna, E. (2004). Information strategy in practice. Aldershot : Gower.