Power Distance
Characteristics of societies that have high and low power distance (based on House et al, 2004, Table 17.2, p. 536).
HIGH POWER DISTANCE societies have characteristics such as...
- Society is differentiated into classes.
- Power seen as providing social order.
- Upward social mobility is limited.
- Resources available to only a few.
- Information is localized and hoarded.
LOW POWER DISTANCE societies have characteristics such as...
- Society has a large middle class.
- Power linked to corruption and coercion.
- Upward social mobility is common.
- Resources are available to almost all.
- Information is widely shared.
Source for this text: Cornelius N. Grove (2005). Introduction to the GLOBE Research Project on Leadership Worldwide. http://www.grovewell.com/pub-GLOBE-intro.html Cornelius N. Grove (2005). Worldwide Differences in Business Values and Practices: Overview of GLOBE Research Findings. http://www.grovewell.com/pub-GLOBE-dimensions.html |

Please read more about Power Distance and Application to Leadership from the article: Cornelius N. Grove (2005). Worldwide Differences in Business Values and Practices: Overview of GLOBE Research Findings. http://www.grovewell.com/pub-GLOBE-dimensions.html. Make notes to your course diary.
Sirje Virkus, Tallinn University, 2009