Future Orientation
"Future orientation" is "the degree to which a collectivity encourages and rewards future-oriented behaviors such as planning and delaying gratification" (House et al, 2004,p. 282). Some of the characteristics of societies that have high and low future orientation (based on House et al, 2004,Table 13.1, p. 302):
HIGH FUTURE ORIENTATION societies have characteristics such as...
- Propensity to save now for the future.
- Emphasize working for long-term success.
- Organizations tend to be flexible and adaptive.
- View material success and spiritual fulfillment as an integrated whole.
LOW FUTURE ORIENTATION societies have characteristics such as...
- Propensity to spend now, rather than save.
- Prefer gratification as soon as possible.
- Organizations tend to be inflexible and maladaptive.
- View material success and spiritual fulfillment as separate, requiring trade-offs.
Source for this text: Cornelius N. Grove (2005). Introduction to the GLOBE Research Project on Leadership Worldwide. http://www.grovewell.com/pub-GLOBE-intro.html Cornelius N. Grove (2005). Worldwide Differences in Business Values and Practices: Overview of GLOBE Research Findings. http://www.grovewell.com/pub-GLOBE-dimensions.html |

Please read more about Future Orientation and Application to Leadership from the article: Cornelius N. Grove (2005). Worldwide Differences in Business Values and Practices: Overview of GLOBE Research Findings. http://www.grovewell.com/pub-GLOBE-dimensions.html. Make notes to your course diary.
Sirje Virkus, Tallinn University, 2009