Performance Orientation
The following dimensions emerged from the GLOBE research:
1. Performance Orientation
It reflects the extent to which a community encourages and rewards innovation, high standards, excellence, and performance improvement (Grove, 2005).
HIGH PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION societies have characteristics such as...
- Value training and development.
- Value competitiveness and materialism.
- View formal feedback as necessary for performance improvement.
- Value what one does more than who one is.
- Expect direct, explicit communication.
LOW PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION societies have characteristics such as...
- Value societal and family relationships.
- Value harmony with the environment.
- View formal feedback as judgmental and discomfiting.
- Value who one is more than what one does.
- Expect indirect, subtle communication.
Source for this text: Cornelius N. Grove (2005). Introduction to the GLOBE Research Project on Leadership Worldwide. Cornelius N. Grove (2005). Worldwide Differences in Business Values and Practices: Overview of GLOBE Research Findings. |

Sirje Virkus, Tallinn University, 2009