Page 93 - TLÜ Arengukava
P. 93
The general goal of the Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2015–2020 is to create learning opportunities for all people in Estonia that correspond to their needs and abilities throughout life, in order to provide dignified opportunities for self-actualisation as individuals in social, working and family life. Five strategic objectives are set by the year 2020. These are:
n The changing approach to teaching and learning;
n Competent and motivated teachers and heads of school;
n Conformity of lifelong learning opportunities with labour market needs;
n Digital change in lifelong learning;
n Equal opportunities for lifelong learning and the increase of participation in studies.
All the objectives of the lifelong learning strategy are important also in the context of the TU Development Plan. Also, educational innovation shall be developed as one central field with a focus on the defining and implementing of the changed approach to learning.
The general goal of the Estonian research, development and innovation strategy Knowledge-based Estonia 2014−2020 is to create favourable conditions for the growth of productivity and standard of living, for good education and culture, and for the longevity and development of Estonia. The vision of the strategy focuses (among other things) on the activities that create conditions for research in Estonian universities, for achieving internationally recognised quality and implementation of research results in the interest of Estonian society and economy. Tallinn University can contribute to the development of health technologies and services, which are the growing areas of smart specialisation.
The activities of Tallinn University Development Plan contribute to the development goals of Sustainable Estonia 21, mainly through activities that are aimed at the growth of the viability of the cultural sphere, and, people’s wellbeing and achievement of ecological balance. Sustainable development is a coherent and purposeful development of the social, economic and environmental spheres providing a high quality of life along with a safe and clean living environment now and into the future. The Development Plan sets the following objectives as long-term development goals of Estonia until 2030:
n Viability of Estonian cultural sphere; n Increase of people’s wellbeing;
n Socially coherent society;
n Ecological balance.