Page 95 - TLÜ Arengukava
P. 95
The goals of the Estonian competitiveness strategy Estonia 2020 are: n Educated population and cohesive society;
n Competitive business environment;
n Environmentally friendly economy and energy;
n Sustainable and adaptive state.
The general goal of the Estonian entrepreneurship growth strategy is to facilitate fulfilment of the main objectives of the competitiveness plan “Estonia 2020”. The Estonian Entrepreneurship Growth Strategy 2014–2020 focuses on the Estonian innovation and entrepreneurship policy and aims to significantly improve the wellbeing of Estonian people, Estonian integration with international economy and competitiveness of enterprises. One focus of the growth strategy lies within the fields of activity that have great potential (the so called growth areas), which are:
n Information and communication technology (ICT), horizontally through all sectors; n Health technologies and services;
n More efficient use of resources.
Tallinn University also supports (through its focus fields) the growth of Estonian competitiveness and value-added entrepreneurship.
The university colleges also have an important role in supporting the regional development goals. The Estonian Rural Development Plan for 2014-2020 sets achievement of smart regional specialisation as one objective. Research conducted at TU colleges supports the prioritised development of knowledge- intensive regional growth fields.