Page 89 - TLÜ Arengukava
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Digital Agenda 2020 for Estonia focuses on the provision of an environment that facilitates the use of ICT and creation of clever solutions. Tallinn University supports the expansion of ICT possibilities in the university and the increase of ICT-related competence among students and academic staff. Also, the university activities are related to the given agenda in developing smart solutions, especially in the field of digital media and educational technologies.
Through the focus field of digital and media culture we support the objectives of HITSA. The objective of The Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA) Strategy 2014−2020 is that in the year 2020, ICT skills supporting the development of a society of a digital era - together with their intelligent use - are the source of Estonian wellbeing. To achieve that, HITSA has set two strategic goals:
n Graduates of each level of education are provided with contemporary digital competences.
n Smart use of ICT in teaching and learning and organisation of studies increases the quality of studies.
The general goal of the National Health Plan 2009–2020 is a long life of high quality, which is measured in the length and quality of healthy life. Healthier ways of living offer better opportunities for improving people´s health and prolonging healthy life, also resulting in the development of a living environment that supports health. The objective is the increase of physical activeness of the population by the year 2020, balanced nutrition and decreased risk behaviour. The Tallinn University focus field, healthy and sustainable lifestyle, studies and develops the above-mentioned topics.
Estonian Strategy for Active Ageing 2013−2020: the aim is the development of an age-friendly society life quality and equal opportunities for older people. Sub-objectives have been set as follows: 1. Older people are involved in society and are socially active; 2. Older people are eager and versatile active life-long learners; 3. Older people are active in the labour market and are satisfied with their work life; 4. Older people live longer healthier lives and cope well. Tallinn University focus fields can enhance health behaviour, coping and supportive societal organisation.
Youth Field Development Plan for 2014–2020: the aim is to provide extensive opportunities for the development and self-actualization of young people, to support the development of a coherent and creative society. According to the development plan there should be more opportunities for involving young people, developing their creativity and initiative, as well as joint activities. After implementation of the development plan, the participation of young people in the community and decision-making processes their readiness for employment should improve and the risk of exclusion and social isolation should decrease.