Page 87 - TLÜ Arengukava
P. 87
The Tallinn University Development Plan supports several strategic trends of the national development plans. The linkage between Tallinn University Development Plan and national development plans is given in the following figure where the keywords indicate the most important common elements.
n The Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2015- 2020: changing approach
to teaching and learning; competent teachers and heads of school; conformity of study opportunities with labour market needs; digital turn in lifelong learning; equal opportunities
n National Health Plan 2009ñ2020: the number of healthy life years and quality of life years
n Estonian Strategy for Active Ageing 2013-2020: elderly people have more healthy life years
n Sustainable Estonia 21: viability of cultural sphere; increase of wellbeing; ecological balance
Educational innovation,
Healthy and sustainable lifestyle, Digital and media culture, Cultural competences,
Society and open governance
PRINCIPLES OF ACTIVITY: Interdisciplinary approach, Internationalisation,
Demandingness and sustainability
n Digital Agenda 2020
for Estonia: creating an environment that facilitates the use of ICT and the development of smart solutions
n HITSA Strategy 2014-2020: digital competences; use of ICT in learning and teaching
n Fundamentals of the Cultural Policy until 2020: study, store and pass on cultural memory; development of an open and diverse cultural space
n Development Plan of
the Estonian Language 2011-2017: teaching, research, development and protection of the Estonian language; cultural memory
n Knowledge-based Estonia 2014-2020: growth of wellbeing; outstanding research results; international competitiveness; participation in international RDC cooperation
n Competitiveness Strategy 2020:
education, entrepreneurship, environment, state
n The Estonian Entrepreneurship Growth Strategy 2014-2020: ICT; health; efficient use of resources
Figure. Linkage between Tallinn University Development Plan and national development plans