Page 25 - TLÜ Arengukava
P. 25
Promoting intelligent lifestyle in the context of globalization, leads to the need to implement international research results and higher education practices when initiating changes in society. In the previous development the university has aimed for more international members, but it is becoming increasingly natural to handle all the university activity in the international context.
Becoming an international university means that the university is a reliable and attractive employer and partner in international research. To achieve that, we create conditions for internationally competitive research staff, conduct research projects with international cooperation supported by external funding, as well as strive to build international reputation. Studies in English are a natural part of teaching and learning in an international university. We increase the volume and quality of studies in English, improve the cooperation and learning opportunities of students with different cultural backgrounds, and, make international marketing in target countries more efficient. We support the participation of our staff members in international research and study communities. We also develop a bilingual information and work environment at the university and nurture the ability of non- academic staff to ensure they are effective in an international work environment.
n the number of publications published jointly with staff members of foreign universities or research establishments has increased;
n the proportion of funding of international research projects has increased in the income of research, development and creative activity;
n the number of study programmes taught in English has increased;
n students’ satisfaction with the quality of studies in English has grown;
n the number of students who have studied abroad has increased;
n the number of international students has increased;
n the number of international post-doctoral fellows has increased;
n the proportion of foreigners among academic staff has increased, as well as the number of staff members with long-term experience abroad;
n the number of students who have studied at English-taught courses has increased at all study levels;
n the staff satisfaction with the availability of bilingual communication in the university information and work environment has grown.

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