Page 19 - TLÜ Arengukava
P. 19
The development of society and well-being of the ageing population depend more and more on everyone’s ability to live and work in a manner that is good for one’s health and environment. Intelligent, research-based choices for developing a healthy lifestyle and a sustainable way of thinking help to reduce the burden on nature, pressure on the social services and the demands to the healthcare sector. In the context of globalization, the field of health and living environment is also characterized by increasing stratification within society in regard to attitudes and opportunities, as well as behavioural patterns. Estonia is aiming towards improving the health indicators of the population, developing people-centred health services integrated with a social security system and guaranteeing the sustainable and optimal use of resources. Also, sports and creativity provide an opportunity to support social coherence, mental health and positive values in society.
We contribute to the development of attitudes that value a healthy lifestyle and sustainable way of thinking in Estonian society, and the development and implementation of best practices taking into account our specific reliance on e-services. With our activities we are partners in developing an evidence-based lifestyle and recommendations for environmental organisation.
We integrate the study and research of psychology, recreation, health behaviour, organisational behaviour, sociology, natural and environmental sciences, communication, creative therapies and educational sciences in order to develop interdisciplinary competences regarding healthy and sustainable lifestyle. We integrate the topics of health, physical activity and sustainable development into our teacher education study programmes and develop the competences of inclusive methods and communication technology. We also use methods of analysis from natural sciences in the studies of behavioural sciences in order to obtain new research outcome. For planning long-term scientific activities we develop the programmes for the sustainable use of environmental resources and ecosystem services.
We develop methodology and services for supporting health literacy and sustainable behaviour in the educational system, at work and in the community.
We also promote a healthy and sustainable way of thinking in the university’s work and study organisation.

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