Page 15 - TLÜ Arengukava
P. 15
In the increasingly digitized multi-platform world, digital literacy has become inevitable to be able to learn, interact with the surrounding environment, consume services and media (products) and create new values. Alongside textual communication, different forms of communication, such as verbal, visual, audible and physical communication, are becoming increasingly important. Clever use of the options within the digital world, creativity and its resulting innovativeness, give a competitive advantage to an individual, the institution and the country. Digital media has developed into a branch of the economy that has the most influence on the attitudes and behaviour of people and whole societal processes. Use of digital means in teaching enables us to make learning more engaging and more considerate to individual abilities and the interests of a student, at the same time it extends the possibilities of lifelong learning.
Our aim is to train creative professionals who have communication skills and the ability to create content for the needs of contemporary convergence-era. These mostly audio-visual texts help to tell stories and by integrating different fields enrich the Estonian and world culture. We increase the role of the university as the learning and development centre for the professionals in creative and communication spheres. For better availability of Estonian cultural heritage we have digitizing cooperation projects with memory institutions. We are leaders in promoting digital literacy, studying the impacts of human-computer interaction, and developing digital didactics and study aids. We wish to contribute to the development of innovative solutions for the information society and implementation of digital and media culture in different spheres of life. We are developing a systematic approach to applying digital environments and digital means in teaching and working, as well as implementing them into university studies.
Our goal is to ensure that every graduate and employee is competent in using digital technologies in their field.

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