Page 13 - TLÜ Arengukava
P. 13
The whole world’s education sector is facing changes. Teaching and learning must adapt to the the 21st century circumstances: the changing labour market, the rapidly renewing information environment, a society that expects more proactivity and creativity from everyone. Considering the historical role of Tallinn University as a centre of teacher education, we see our responsibility as leaders of Estonian educational innovation, developing theoretical thought, as well as implementing and mediating contemporary ways of learning and teaching.
Our aim is to support the development and implementation of the 21st century learning culture in the Estonian educational sphere. This means defining, implementing and developing suitable assessment bases for the changing approach to teaching and learning that is in the focus of the Estonian lifelong learning strategy; developing and implementing the principles of educational organisation and management in regard to the new approach and facilitating educational policy that supports the contemporary teaching and learning culture and increasing the reputation of teaching in society.
In our activities we see education as a process that influences the consistent development of a person and facilitates his or her development into a responsible individual. We aim for a learner-centred approach in all types and levels of education. We support a cross-domain approach that is based on research, development, inclusive educational policy, cooperation and dialogue with social partners in the field of education. This guarantees highly qualified teaching staff and - by the good example of university staff - also influences change in the teaching culture in the wider society.
In the following development period the university integrates the study and research fields of educational sciences, teacher education, non-formal and informal learning and supporting services of education in order to support lifelong learning of a person in a versatile and wholesome manner.
In order to implement the changing approach to teaching and learning, we consider it important to support the professional development of the academic staff and the development of each graduate´s attitude toward lifelong learning.

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