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Booth, C. Developing Skype-based reference services. - Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 2008, 13 (2/3),147 – 165 (06.05.2010)

Horn, J. The future is now : reference service for the electronic era. ACRL Tenth National Conference. – http://www.ala.org/acrl/papers01/horn.pdf (06.05.2010).

IFLA digital reference guidelines. - http://www.ifla.org/VII/s36/pubs/drg03.htm (06.05.2010).

Janes, J., Carter, D.S., Memmott, P. "Digital reference services in academic libraries", Reference & User Services Quarterly, 1999, Vol. 39 pp.145 - 150.

Lipow, Anne G. The Virtual Reference Librarian's Handbook. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2003.

Roesch, H. Digital reference services: state of the art in the focus on quality. 13.06.2006. - http://archive.ifla.org/IV/ifla72/papers/098-Roesch-en.pdf (06.05.2010).

Still, J. & Campbell, F. Librarian in a box: the use of electronic mail for reference. - Reference Services Review, 1993, 21, 15-18.

Zanin-Yost, A. Digital Reference: What the Past Has Taught Us and What the Future Will Hold. – Library Philosophy and Practice, 2004, 7(1). - http://unllib.unl.edu/LPP/zanin-yost.htm (06.05.2010).

Viles, A. The virtual reference interview: equivalencies. – http://www.ifla.org/VII/dg/dgrw/dp99-06.htm (06.05.2010)

QuestionPoint Member Guidelines:
http://www.questionpoint.org/policies/memberguidelines.html [Accessed 01/12/2006]