Kasulikud viited
Birger Hjørland & Jeppe Nicolaisen (eds.). The Epistemological Lifeboat: Epistemology and Philosophy of Science for Information Scientists. http://www.db.dk/jni/lifeboat/ Birger Hjørland. Core Concepts in Library and Information Science (LIS) http://www.iva.dk/bh/core%20concepts%20in%20lis/home.htm Information Research: an international electronic journal http://informationr.net/ir/ Ingwersen, P. and Järvelin, K. (2005). The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. Järvelin, K. and Ingwersen, P. Extending Information Seeking and Retrieval Research Toward Context. http://www.info.uta.fi/tutkimus/fire/archive/JaIn-IRiX04.pdf
Sirje Virkus, Tallinna Ülikool, 2010