Page 77 - TLÜ Arengukava
P. 77
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, aca- demic units, PO
PO, academic units, administrative units
4.3.2. Development of employees and continuity of academic staff
a. We renew the attestation and feedback system of academic staff to enable periodic and diverse assessment of work results and staff development.
b. We create conditions enabling academic staff to practise in enterprises and establishments of their field, in Estonia and abroad.
c. We offer teaching and supervision training to doctoral students.
d. To support the new generation of teaching staff, we create an assistance system that allows experienced teaching staff to involve novice teachers in teaching.
e. We create financial resources for professional development of non- academic staff members.
4.3.3. Optimal composition and supportive work organisation
a. We use the electronic work environment for planning work-load, assessing work effectiveness and giving feedback.
b. We develop positions of non-academic staff in academic units and corresponding job responsibilities in a way that would guarantee the functioning of supporting activities.
4.3.4. Image that reflects the concept of the leader of an intelligent lifestyle and respective focus fields
a. We specify the brand concept of the university and support academic units in identity creation arising from focus fields.
b. We compile marketing and communication plans for focus fields.
c. We position the university and/or focus field(s) in the international ranking system.
Vice-Rector for Develop- ment, acade- mic units, RB
T, E
E, T
E, T E
E, Ü