Page 24 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
P. 24
(22)A positive grade of the final thesis cannot be improved by retaking. In the case of a negative result, a student shall be deleted from the matriculation register.
(23)A student whose thesis received a negative result at the defence can defend it once again as an external student, taking into account the proposals made by the defence committee. The committee has a right to demand improvement of the existing thesis or choosing a new topic and/or supervisor.
(24)Absence from the defence of final thesis without a valid reason shall be equal to fail (F). A student who was absent with a valid reason shall have the right to defend the final thesis on the basis of a valid registration during the examination session on a date given by the chairman of the committee. If a student who was absent for a valid reason (e.g. illness, accident) does not submit proof of this within three days, a negative result shall be entered to the protocol.
(25)If any discreditable evidence appears (plagiarism, presentation of falsified data, etc.) before the defence, the defence committee may decide not to allow the student to proceed to the defence. This decision shall be based on written evidence. The defence committee´s decision to not allow a student to defend the final thesis shall be formalized in writing and the student shall be informed of this at the latest one working day prior to the defence. The student has the right to contest the decision of the defence committee as established in Section 34. If the student does not contest the decision of the defence committee, he or she shall be deleted from the matriculation register due to undignified behaviour and the negative result "F" shall be marked onto the defence protocol.
(26)Positively evaluated final theses shall be uploaded to the library’s repository no later than by the beginning of the following semester, when details of the title of the thesis, the author, year, academic unit, level of study are recorded. Details of access to the thesis shall also be recorded as:
1) Open;
2) Limited at the request of the author or by the decision of the academic unit the final theses defended with the result "E";
3) Limited by the order of the Director of the academic unit for internal use.
(27)If plagiarism is suspected in the case of a thesis entered to the archive, the system shall submit information to the university´s Academic Affairs Office.
§ 28. Taking a final examination
(1) The final examination shall be taken during the examination session.
(2) The Council of the academic unit shall specify the requirements and topics of final examinations, which shall be approved by the Director of the unit. Students shall be informed of the requirements of the final examination during the first month of the semester during which the exam takes place.
(3) A student shall register in the academic unit for taking the final examination no later than two weeks prior to the date of the final examination.
(4) After registering for a final examination, the student has the right to apply for deletion from the list up to one day prior to the date of the examination, and then only for a valid reason (e.g. illness, accident) by submitting an application, together with documents of proof, to the chairman of the examination committee.
(5) The results of a written final examination shall be announced to students within three working days after the date of the examination. The chairman of the committee shall inform the students of the date and place of announcing the results just before the start of the final examination. Students shall be informed of the results of an oral final examination on the day of defence, immediately after preparation of the protocols.
(6) A positive grade of the final examination cannot be improved by retaking. In the case

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