Page 25 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
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of a negative result, a student shall be deleted from the matriculation register.
(7) Absence from a final examination without a valid reason shall be equal to fail (F). A student who was absent due to a valid reason shall have the right to take the final examination during the examination session on a date given by the chairman of the committee. If a student, who was absent for a valid reason (e.g. illness, accident), does not submit proof within three days, a negative result shall be entered in the protocol.
(8) A final examination may be retaken twice as an external student. If a student fails to pass a final examination on the second attempt, then prior to making a third attempt he or she shall repeat the studies of the area of specialization in the amount prescribed by the curator of the study programme.
Chapter 8
§ 29. Academic leave
(1) Academicleavemeansthatastudentisreleasedfromtheobligationtoundertakestudy and research work for one or more full semesters. Academic leave and disruption of academic leave shall be coordinated through the ÕIS. The Director of academic unit decides on granting academic leave by his or her order. The academic leave ends at the final date of the semester.
(2) A student has the right to apply for academic leave for health reasons, service in Estonian Defence Force, for parental leave and for other reasons.
(3) Academic leave for health reasons (including a health situation caused by pregnancy) is granted for up to four months. The academic leave may be taken in several separate parts. The student shall add to the application a certificate from a medical establishment, which includes a doctor´s recommendation for academic leave and the period of academic leave. (4) Parentstakingparentalleavecanapplyforacademicleaveuntilthechildreachesthree years of age. The academic leave may be taken in several separate parts. A student shall add the copy of a child´s birth certificate to the application. If the father takes parental leave and applies for academic leave, then he shall add a note signed by the mother of the child that she is not taking the parental leave.
(5) StudentsapplyingforacademicleaveforserviceintheEstonianDefenceForcesorfor alternative service are allowed to take academic leave for a maximum period of two semesters. A student shall add to the academic leave application the invitation to service in Estonian Defence Force or alternative service.
(6) Inadditiontothereasonsindicatedabove,astudenthastherighttoapplyforacademic leave during the nominal study period once at every level of study, for one or two semesters for certain other reasons (difficult financial situation, family problems, working abroad, etc.). A student can apply for academic leave for certain other reasons starting from the second semester. Academic leave for other reasons may be applied for only at the beginning of the starting semester, until the end date of academic movements. The leave is granted in one part, for one or two semesters.
(7) Afirst-yearstudentapplyingforacademicleaveatthebeginningofthespringsemester must have completed curricular subjects worth at least 15 ECTS credits during the autumn semester.
(8) If a student takes academic leave before the end of the contact learning period of the semester, it is considered that the student was on academic leave during the whole semester. If a student disrupts academic leave during the semester, it is considered that the student participated in study during the whole semester. If a student takes academic leave

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