Page 22 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
P. 22
supervisor of the final thesis and forward it to the Director of the academic unit for approval no later than during the penultimate semester of the student´s nominal period of study; for part-time students, this approval deadline shall be during the semester preceding the planned semester of graduation. The supervisor and student shall agree on the schedule for compiling the thesis.
(4) A supervisor/reviewer of a Bachelor´s thesis shall have at least a Master´s degree or equivalent qualification in the subject field of the final thesis or be a recognized expert practitioner in the field.
(5) A supervisor/reviewer of a Master´s thesis shall have at least one of the following:
1) A doctoral degree or equivalent qualification;
2) A Master´s degree or equivalent qualification and at least five years of research and
development experience in the subject field of the Master´s thesis;
3) A Master´s degree or equivalent qualification and is a recognized specialist in his/her field of specialization;
4) A Master´s degree or equivalent qualification in the field of arts and have at least five years of experience of creative activity in the subject field of the Master´s thesis.
(6) The supervisor has the right to refuse supervision if his or her study load as a member of teaching staff is completed or if the topic of the final thesis does not coincide with the research field of the member of the teaching staff.
(7) The supervisor shall:
1) Assist the student in choosing the topic, formulating the research problem, selecting methods, selecting relevant literature and other sources, and in providing academic credibility;
2) Coordinate the action plan of the research, counsel the student, supervise and consult with the student during the process of conducting research in all its phases;
3) Verify that the student´s research meets the requirements set with respect to the content and form, and confirm by signature that the final thesis is in accordance with the requirements and is allowed to proceed to defence.
(8) The tasks of the student in compiling the final thesis are the following:
1) To compile an action plan for research, identify and evaluate thematic literature and formalize the research results in the form of a correct and final thesis;
2) To submit parts of the final thesis for perusal and commentary to the supervisor, according to the agreed action plan.
3) To submit a properly formalized final thesis by the deadline given by the unit.
(9) The supervisor and the student have the right to initiate termination of cooperation due to disagreements by submitting a justified application to the head of studies.
(10)The Director of the academic unit curating the study programme forms the defence committees of the final theses (except for doctoral theses) for one study year. The committee includes at least three members, including the chairman of the committee who holds a doctoral degree or equivalent qualification. The defence committee of Bachelor´s theses shall be made up of 50% of lecturers who hold a doctoral degree or equivalent qualification and the defence committee of Master´s theses shall be made up of at least 75% of lecturers who hold a doctoral degree or equivalent qualification.
(11)The Council of the academic unit has the right to determine the date for submitting a final thesis, which can be up to one month before, but no later than two weeks prior to the date of the defence. The exact dates for submission of a final thesis and defence are to be announced by the academic unit no later than two months prior to the date of the defence. (12) A student has the right to use the plagiarism identification system on one occasion only during the compilation of the final thesis, in order to verify the correctness of referencing. If necessary, the university employees have the possibility of checking the correctness of a

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