Page 21 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
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(compulsory or elective courses) established in the study programme, the extra volume of completed studies may be used in completing the module of open elective courses. The greater volume of transferred subjects does not remove a student’s obligation to complete compulsory and elective courses in the volume prescribed in the module.
(21)The smaller volume of a transferred subject is not an obstacle in accreditation. Decrease in the volume of credit points in transferring subjects can be compensated with elective courses in the same module. If there are no elective courses in the module, the difference in volume shall be compensated with subject-specific elective courses. (22)Compliance of the language and computer skills necessary for graduating shall be assessed in the corresponding unit. An RPL application shall not be submitted for this.
(23) Positively assessed RPL applications shall be stored in the academic unit for two years. Negatively assessed applications shall be stored until the appeal period has passed. Applications that need completion, including additional materials, shall be stored until the end of a given deadline.
§ 25. Individual study plan
(1) An individual study plan is compiled when a student:
1) Was on academic leave and during which his or her study programme has significantly changed;
2) Is reinstated for continuing studies.
(2) The individual study plan includes courses (replacement courses) that are taken into account in completing the study programme of the student. A student shall coordinate the individual study plan with the curator of the study programme and submit it for approval to the head of studies of the academic unit no later than the deadline for academic movement. The student shall keep a copy of an individual study plan, on the basis of which he or she shall register in courses in the ÕIS.
Chapter 7
§ 26. Requirements for allowing progression to the defence of a final thesis/sitting for a final examination
(1) A student is allowed to proceed to the defence of the final thesis/sitting for a final examination by the order of the Director of the academic unit, which will be approved in the ÕIS one week prior to the date given for the defence/final examination.
(2) The admission to the defence of a final thesis or sitting for a final examination is granted if a student has completed courses (including professional placement) stipulated in the study programme, meets the graduation requirements and has reimbursed the study costs based on invoices issued by the university.
§ 27. Writing and defence of final thesis
(1) The requirements for a final thesis of the first and second level of higher education, (i.e. for volume, format and review), are established by the Council of the academic unit according to international standards.
(2) The final thesis shall be written in the language of the study programme, provided the unit has not decided otherwise in the guidelines for writing final theses. A student may apply for an exception in justifiable circumstances, by submitting a respective application together with the topic of the thesis.
(3) The curator of the study programme shall coordinate the topic and approve the

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