Page 19 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
P. 19
RPL accreditation in admission.
§ 24. RPL when completing a study programme
(1) Courses, study programme modules, continuing education, and specialized work experience that are suitable in content and in compliance with learning outcomes can be taken into account when completing a programme. RPL may not be used in completing a programme if the specificity of the subject means that the RPL results have expired. Temporal expiry, the place of acquisition of the knowledge and skills, insignificant difference in the volume of studies, the components of acquired knowledge or the form of assessment of learning outcomes cannot form part of the reasons for not taking RPL into account.
(2) A student and external student shall complete an RPL application form in the ÕIS; other applicants shall submit an application on paper to the academic unit. An application must be submitted in the ÕIS within 30 days.
(3) Documents that provide proof of previous education shall be added to an RPL application. In recognizing continuing education, work and other experiential learning, the applicant shall also add an analysis of the acquired knowledge and skills.
(4) RPL is not applicable in defending a thesis and/or passing final exam(s) that are required for graduating. The Council of the academic unit has the right to name additional subjects in which RPL is not applicable. A corresponding note shall be entered in the course description in the ÕIS.
(5) As a rule, the studies at a previous study level and in continuing education, as well as earlier work experience, shall not be taken into account for either electives or open electives. Studies of the same level can be taken into account for compulsory courses, electives or open electives.
(6) The studies of the same level can be taken into account for open electives only in the volume prescribed by the study programme, including the volume of ECTS credits required for meeting the requirements of language and computer studies. In transferring open electives during a student´s first semester of study, the nominal volume for the semester shall not be exceeded.
(7) In accrediting degree studies of the previous level, the study volume of the first and second level of higher education must amount to a total of 300 ECTS credits. If necessary, the difference shall be compensated by choosing additional electives or open elective courses.
(8) An RPL application for completing a study programme may be submitted throughout the year. An application for courses starting in the same semester shall be submitted during the preliminary week of the semester. A student may participate in study until he or she is informed of the decision.
(9) A student, who applies for a change of study programme during studies and does not wish that all studies completed on the previous study programme would be taken into account, may submit together with an application for a vacant study place, an RPL application on paper.
(10)A student may not apply for accreditation through RPL of the subjects in which he or she has registered, where the right of completion has ended or where the student has received a negative result in completing the subject. An application that has been rejected may not be submitted again without making amendments in the content.
(11)An academic unit makes a decision on the necessity of assessing the applications of non-students. A written decision shall be formalized in case the application shall be evaluated. On the basis of this the transition of a subject(s) can be evaluated at a later date. The evaluation decision is made for a specified term. The term is given together with the

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