Page 18 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
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above-mentioned time has passed.
§ 22. Bases for the recognition of prior learning
(1) Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a process during which the university assesses the competence of the candidate based on predetermined criteria, i.e. compliance of the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the candidate with admission conditions, learning outcomes of the study programme or parts of it.
(2) The university recognises knowledge acquired during previous degree studies, additional training, work and other experience in completing a study programme and fulfilling the admission requirements for Master´s and doctoral study.
(3) The university provides access to necessary information, counselling and the supervision services to RPL applicants; it also ensures the uniformity of the RPL procedure and the competence of the personnel conducting the assessment and their impartiality towards the results.
(4) An RPL applicant is responsible for the correctness of the submitted documents and other materials. RPL applications are submitted in Estonian or English.
(5) The university Senate shall apply an administration fee to non-students for RPL and also establish a procedure for payment.
§ 23. RPL when entering Master´s and doctoral study
(1) A person whose previous education does not correspond to admission requirements set for a Master´s or doctoral study programme shall submit to the academic unit documents that provide proof of previous work experience and education.
(2) RPL is individually assessed upon entering the university. In accrediting previous study and work experience, the work of the applicant on the respective specialization, his or her engagement in research or creative work, additional specialization studies, etc. are taken into consideration.
(3) Thecuratorofthestudyprogrammeshalldecidewhethertheapplicant´spriorlearning is in accordance with the admission requirements established for the study programme and, if necessary, determine compensatory subjects that the applicant must complete through the Open University during the first year of study. The maximum volume of compensatory subjects is 16 ECTS credits. If necessary, the curator of the study programme shall consult with the members of the teaching staff responsible for a course or the head of study area. (4) The applicant shall submit the written decision of the curator regarding the accreditation of previous studies and/or work experience together with other necessary admission documents to the admission committee. An RPL applicant is admitted to the university under the same conditions as other candidates.
(5) RPL documents may be submitted throughout the year, but not later than the end date of the exam session of the spring semester. The academic unit may accept documents that are submitted at a later date on justified occasions.
(6) Incompletingtheadmissionrequirements,theRPLisdeterminedforafixedterm.This term is established at the time the decision is made.
(7) The Council of the academic unit may approve a list of university curricula that, according to their content, correspond to study programmes that are a precondition for entering Master´s or doctoral study and the graduates of which do not have to apply for

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