Page 16 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
P. 16
(6) Examinations and pass/fail assessments in cyclical learning take place during study sessions. The second main exam and re-sit examinations/additional assessments may take place outside the study session.
(7) A report of academic progress is the only base document for taking into account study results.
(8) Amemberoftheteachingstaffwhoisteachingthecoursehastherighttoestablishthe requirements and preconditions in the course programme for being admitted to an examination or pass/fail assessment at the end of the course. A member of the teaching staff does not have an obligation to allow a student to fulfil the requirements and preconditions in the course programme for being admitted to an examination or pass/fail assessment by way of individual work. A student who has not fulfilled the requirements established in the course programme shall register for retaking the course.
(9) Participation in lectures is not a precondition for allowing a student to take an examination or a pass-fail assessment, or the basis for forming a grade. The obligation to participate in seminars/practical courses is indicated in the course programme by the member of the teaching staff.
(10)A student has the right to take an examination and pass/fail assessment for completing course until the end of the intermediate week of the following semester, unless the student has been deleted from the matriculation register. A student must retake a course in full if he or she fails to receive a positive result. The curator of the study programme shall determine a replacement course if a compulsory course is not being taught.
(11)A student who has been absent for the whole examination session for health reasons and not taken exams shall submit a relevant medical certificate no later than the last day of the examination session and he or she shall be given an additional opportunity and time to take an examination. A student who has been absent from the pass/fail assessment due to illness shall submit a relevant medical certificate and he or she shall be given an additional time for taking the pass/fail assessment. A member of teaching staff is not obliged to offer a date for additional evaluation of acquisition of knowledge to a student who is not able to participate at the time of re-sit an examination or pass/fail assessment offered after the examination session.
(12)A student who has received a negative result in the main examination or pass/fail assessment or has been absent from the main examination/assessment is allowed to retake the examination or pass/fail assessment once, at a time determined by the member of teaching staff. It is recommended that the member of teaching staff set the date for an additional examination or pass/fail assessment during the intermediate week of the forthcoming semester or during the examination days determined by the academic unit. (13)Improving a positive result of the main examination is possible only in agreement with the member of teaching staff at the date of re-sit examination/additional assessment during the validity of the period of the performance right of the course, in which case the latest result will be considered final.
(14)The times for evaluation of acquisition of knowledge taking place during the examination session shall be announced by the academic unit in the ÕIS and ASIO no later than the end of the intermediate week of the semester. The times of examinations or pass/fail assessments taking place outside the examination session shall be announced no later than the end date of academic movements.
(15)If a student has participated in the course, he or she undertakes to register for an examination and pass/fail assessment in the ÕIS. A student who has not registered shall not be allowed to take an examination or pass/fail assessment. Registration ends 24 hours prior to the start of an examination or pass/fail assessment. A student may change or cancel his or her registration prior to the registration deadline. A student who has an outstanding

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