Page 12 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
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in contact learning form. If the number of participants exceeds the teaching capacities, the academic unit shall organize a selection process for the applicants. Students for whom the subject is compulsory are given preferential selection status.
(16) A student shall register to retake the course if he or she failed to obtain a positive result during their right to take the course. A course may be retaken once during the nominal period of study and the two following semesters at no charge.
§ 16. Fulfilling the requirements for foreign language, Estonian and computer skills
(1) In order to graduate from the first and second level of higher education studies, a student must fulfil the requirements established by the study programme for foreign language, Estonian and computer skills.
(2) The proficiency in the Estonian language must be at C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Compliance with this requirement is controlled with students who have graduated from schools where Estonian is not the language of instruction. Compliance with the requirement can be proven by a certificate of the national C1 level examination of Estonian or the results of an examination of a course taken in the university.
(3) The required computer proficiency may be proven by taking a computer proficiency test or by the results of an examination in a computer course.
(4) The foreign language proficiency of a regular student who wishes to graduate from an Estonian study programme must correspond to the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or in cyclical studies, proficiency to the B1 level study programmes that do not set a higher level. Compliance with the requirement can be proven by: a result of an international foreign language examination, an examination of a university course or a national examination result, the conformity of which shall be established by the Vice-Rector of a study field appointed by the Rector.
(5) Proficiency of foreign language at the C1 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is required for graduation from a study programme that has a foreign language as language of instruction. Compliance with the requirement can be proven by an international language examination or an examination of a university course.
(6) The academic unit assessing the achievement of proficiency shall enter information on graduation requirements into the ÕIS.
§ 17. Studying as a visiting student in another Estonian university
(1) A student who wishes to study as a visiting student in another university shall coordinate the selected courses with the curator of the study programme and register a reference form in the TU Academic Affairs Office. It is recommended that a visiting student in another university take subjects related to his or her speciality.
(2) A student shall register in studies pursuant to the regulations of the host university.
(3) Aftercompletingasubject,astudentshallreceiveacertificatefromthehostuniversity confirming completion of the examination/assessment. The student shall present the certificate issued from the host university to the academic unit of his or her home university.
§ 18. Studying as an international student in a foreign country
(1) A student has the following options for studying abroad:
1) To study under a scholarship from international organizations, programmes, governments, foundations and universities;

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