Page 10 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
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of the study programme is responsible for compiling the timetable. The principles of compiling a timetable shall be established by an order of the Vice-Rector of the study field appointed by the Rector. A timetable shall be compiled in the timetable programme ASIO and made public no later than three weeks prior to the beginning of a semester.
§ 14. Courses
(1) A subject is a set of knowledge and skills (competences) treating the issues of a specific discipline or study field or providing a broader overview of these, the acquisition of which is marked by performance.
(2) Curricular subjects are divided into:
1) Compulsory courses;
2) Elective courses that can be selected from the list of courses provided in the study
3) Open elective courses that can be freely selected from the list of courses/supportive courses of the same level of curricula of different universities.
(3) Extracurricularcoursesarecoursesthatexceedthevolumeofthestudyprogrammeand its modules.
(4) AcoursedescriptionprovidesabriefintroductiontothecourseinEstonianandEnglish in the public view of the ÕIS. The purpose of the course description is to inform the learners of the objective, learning outcomes, forms of assessment of learning outcomes of the course and other data. The course descriptions of the forthcoming semester shall be formalized and revised no later than the last day of the month of April.
(5) Acourseistherealizationofasubjectbasedonatargetgroup.Acourseprogrammeis a document that defines the content and achievement requirements of a subject where, in addition to the information given in the course description, the responsible teacher also establishes the requirements for participation, independent work, sitting and passing examination/assessment, principles and criteria of assessment; outlines the times, topics and participation requirements for seminar work; lists compulsory and replacement literature; describes the content of the course and presents other information necessary for the participation in, and completion of the course. The course programmes are made public in the ÕIS no later than during the preliminary week of the semester.
(6) The member of the teaching staff is responsible for organizing learning appropriately, and ensuring the materials listed as compulsory literature of the course that he or she delivers are organized and available to students. The member of the teaching staff is also responsible for compiling the study materials on the main topics and key terms treated in the contact lessons and making these available in electronic form to the students registered in the course at least one day before the lecture.
§ 15. Compiling a study plan
(1) A study plan is a list of courses chosen by a student for the next semester in which he/she has registered to undertake study. By registering, the student undertakes to take an examination or assessment in the corresponding course.
(2) A student shall compile a study plan for every semester in which he/she participates in study. Answering to the compulsory part of the feedback questionnaires on teaching and courses of the current semester is compulsory and the student’s response to the questionnaire is a prerequisite for registering in courses. A student is not allowed to submit a study plan for the semester if he or she has outstanding financial obligations to the university.

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