Page 13 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
P. 13
2) To study under a student exchange programme based on agreements between universities and countries.
3) To study on a personal initiative and find his or her own financing if necessary.
(2) Inordertoparticipateinacompetitionorganizedbytheuniversity,documentsmustbe submitted in accordance with the requirements of the programme. In order to undertake studies abroad on the student´s initiative, the student shall submit an application and an individual study plan.
(3) The student who applies for studies abroad must have the proficiency of the language of instruction abroad to at least the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
(4) Studies abroad (including professional placement) shall be formalized on an order of the Director of the academic unit. If a student has received scholarship for studies abroad through the university, the student has an obligation to pass examinations and assessments in curricular courses agreed upon in the individual study plan valued at a minimum of 7 ECTS credits per semester, in accordance with the period spent at a foreign university. Otherwise the scholarship must be returned.
(5) A student shall submit to the academic unit original documents that certify completion of the agreed subjects and their English translations.
§ 19. Studying as a visiting student in Tallinn University
(1) A student can study as a visiting student at the university under:
1) A mutual agreement between Estonian public universities;
2) A scholarship from international organizations, programmes, governments, foundations
and universities;
3) A student exchange programme based on agreements between universities and countries.
(2) Studentsofotheruniversitieswhoseaimisthecompletionofastudyplanmaystudyas visiting students at Tallinn University.
(3) A visiting student must submit the transfer document issued by the student’s home university to the Academic Affairs Office by the final date of the preliminary week of the semester. The university has the right to not accept a transfer document that has not been submitted in due time.
(4) The Academic Affairs Office shall coordinate the subjects marked on the transfer document with the academic unit.
(5) A student may participate in language study (except Chinese) on the basis of an agreement concluded between the home university of the visiting student and Tallinn University. The students whose home university has not concluded an agreement with Tallinn University may participate in language studies (should there be vacant places) through the Open University, by paying a credit point fee.
(6) A visiting student must create a TU User account and register in the ÕIS in courses coordinated by the academic unit prior to the deadline for electronic registration. The university reserves the right to not register the student after the registration deadline has passed.
(7) The Academic Affairs Office shall issue a transcript of records for the completed examinations/assessments to the visiting student.
(8) A visiting student has:
1) The right to participate in study equally with Tallinn University students;
2) The right to use the library;
3) The right to live in the dormitory, provided that there are available places;
4) The obligation to pursue TU Study Regulations and other legal Acts concerning his or

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