Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
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Tallinn University Study Regulations
Tallinn University Senate Regulation No. 15, dated 15 June 2015
These regulations are established pursuant to Clause 11 of Subsection 3 of Section 14 of the Universities Act and motion of TU Senate Academic Affairs Committee of 8 June 2015
§ 1. Purpose of the Regulations
(1) Tallinn University (hereinafter the university) Study Regulations regulate the organization of degree studies at all levels of higher education and in all forms.
(2) The purpose of the Study Regulations is to provide all degree students with transparency and equality of treatment in the organization of their studies.
§ 2. General principles
(1) Degree study takes place in the university at three levels of higher education. Study is based on professional higher education, Bachelor´s, Master´s and doctoral study programmes or the integrated programmes of Bachelor´s and Master´s study.
(2) Astudyprogrammeisasourcedocumentofstudythatdefinesthestudyobjectivesand the expected learning outcomes; the nominal period and volume of study; the preconditions for commencing studies; the list of courses and their assigned credit points; short descriptions, options and conditions thereof; the specialization possibilities and the conditions for the completion of studies. The Tallinn University Statute of Study Programme adopted by the Senate, establishes the conditions set out for study programmes including procedures for opening, developing, changing and closing such programmes.
(3) ThelanguageofinstructionoftheuniversityisEstonian.Uponendorsementofastudy programme, the TU Senate may decide to use other languages as the language of instruction.
(4) The completion of a study programme takes place in a subject system whereby a student completes a study plan with due consideration to the requirements set for the prerequisite subjects.
(5) Thestudyloadiscalculatedincreditpoints.Acreditpoint(hereinafterECTScredit)is a calculated unit of study used for calculating study load. One ECTS credit is equivalent to 26 hours of work done by a student, including up to 13 hours of contact learning and at least 13 hours of independent work. The Vice-Rector responsible for the field of study appointed by the Rector decides upon the specifications for volumes of the hours of contact learning and independent work
(6) Academic units deliver study and account for the learning outcomes.
(7) The official information exchange environment of the university degree study organization is the Study Information System (ÕIS), in which the study-related data is collected, processed, stored and issued.
(8) A student and a member of the university agree to be aware of and understand their legal rights and fulfil the obligations set out in the Universities Act, the TU Statute, legal Acts valid at the university and the Agreements concluded with the university.
(9) The Regulations for Doctoral Studies and Defence of Doctoral Theses adopted by the

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