Page 4 - Tallinn University Study Regulations 2015 ENG
P. 4
Chapter 3
§ 7. Study places
(1) A study place is a unit of time for calculating study, which is measured by the limit of semesters arising from the nominal period of study. The Senate decides the formation of study places and their total number, based on a study programme. Additional study places can be created for students who are admitted to the university under special conditions.
(2) Study places are filled during admission based on the admission conditions and procedures established by the Senate.
(3) Astudenthastherighttobematriculatedtoonestudyprogrammeatatimeinthesame level of study.
(4) A study place becomes vacant if a student is deleted from the matriculation register during the nominal period of study. A study place that has been created for a student who was admitted under special conditions and that exceeds the upper limit established by the Senate is not considered as a vacant study place.
(5) Avacantstudyplaceisfilledfromarankinglistbasedontheapplicationssubmittedto the academic unit by the end of the preliminary week of the semester.
(6) The ranking list is formulated on the basis of the percentage of completion of the nominal study volume and weighted average grade.
1) The candidate must have accumulated at least 75% of the required credit volume for the vacant study place. The candidates who have completed 100% or more of the study volume are equal in the ranking list.
2) If applicants have an equal percentage of completion of the prescribed study volume, the candidate with higher weighted average grade, taking into consideration all previous studies of the candidate, is favoured;
3) If applicants have equal results in regard to previous criteria, then the candidate who has shown better results in the field of specialisation shall be favoured.
(7) Starting from the second semester, the following persons may apply for a vacant student place:
1) A student who is studying in a different study programme and/or form of study after the first or second semester of study;
2) A former student of the university who has not exceeded the nominal duration of the study programme when studying on the same study programme;
3) An applicant who complies with the qualification requirements set for admission to the study programme.
(8) In the event of deletion from the matriculation register, a student has the right to apply for a vacant study place, provided at least one semester has elapsed from the date of his/her deletion from the matriculation register. A student who has been deleted from the matriculation register for inappropriate behaviour is not allowed to apply for a vacant study place before at least two semesters have elapsed from the date of his/her deletion from the matriculation register.
(9) The university reserves the right to leave a study place unfilled if:
1) The candidate has been deleted from the matriculation register twice due to unpaid study costs;
2) The candidate’s weighted average grade during previous studies is less than 2.000 (satisfactory);

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