Page 36 - Tallinn University
P. 36
„By using innovative solutions that
have been proven by scientific research, we are actively cooperating with companies offering health products and services. Through this we support the development of läänemaa and growth of the working capacity of the population.”
TALIS VARE, director of the Health Promotion and Rehabilitation Competence Centre at Haapsalu College
HAAPSALU COLLEGE was founded in 1998 in order to provide higher education of good qual- ity and professional orientation in Haapsalu.
RAKVERE COLLEGE was opened in 1999 and incorporated the teacher education programme, which was initiated in the Rakvere Teachers’ Seminar (1912). A pre-school education study programme is currently offered at the college too.
COMPETENCE CENTRES based in colleges have an important role to play in research, development and creative activity. In 2012 the HEALTH PROMOTION AND REHABILITA- TION COMPETENCE CENTRE was founded at Haapsalu College. The Centre focuses on the study of medicinal mud as well as studies of human mobility and functioning.
In 2009 Rakvere College became the leader of the VIRUMAA COMPETENCE CENTRE. Participation in the Smart House Competence Centre allows the college to develop cooperation with companies in the region.
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