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From his school years, Martti Helde fondly remembers
his teacher jüri Sillart, head of the film department of
the Baltic Film and Media School. “jüri taught us to tell stories with our heart, not with our head,” remembers Helde. “After we had finished the first scene of ‘In the Crosswind’, he made some very fundamental suggestions that I still have, written on a napkin. The old master would never dictate what should be done but instead he gave us hints. For example, he would say, ‘Even a crow doesn´t
fly around aimlessly’, after which I walked around in the city and wondered what he meant by that. This was his way of motivating us to think independently, study, and learn.”
“I am afraid that I might also become a pedagogue in the future” adds Helde. “I like to see how people’s eyes start shining when they’re learning and they get new ideas. I like to inspire people.”
„The film artist´s profession means lifelong learning. For every new film you must
get acquainted with things
you didn´t know before. Filmmaking is also an endless effort – you always have the feeling that you could have done it even better. At the same time, those one or two very good frames in one film give you the strength to continue.”
DigiTal anD MeDiaCulTure
TU is the only university in Northern Europe that offers studies in film, television and crossmedia in english.

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