Page 31 - Tallinn University
P. 31
TallINN UNIVErsITY is a member of: n Network of Universities from the
Capitals of Europe UNICA
n International Association of Universities IAU
n European University Association EUA n Network of Researchers in Motion
n Baltic University Programme BUP
nET- WoRkS
Tallinn University has signed the Magna Charta Universitatum, which joins over 700 universities, stating the fundamental university values and rights.
Since 2006, TU has organised Tallinn Summer School every july, offering a 3-week programme for Estonian and international students. Every year, more than 300 participants from around 50 different coun- tries attend subject-specific courses.
The programme also integrates internationally acclaimed academics, opinion leaders, and intellec- tuals from other universities. The key-note lecturers have been, for example, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Columbia University), jeffrey C. Alexander (Yale University), Ernesto Laclau (University of Essex), Chantal Mouffe (University of Westminster).
Tallinn Summer School is part of the Network of European Summer Schools (NESS) and has con- tributed to the development of UNICA Summer & Winter Schools portal.
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