Page 54 - HPP
P. 54
Keeping the curricula dynamic
Throughout the project work we have aimed to create competence based study programmes which are relevant, dynamic and proactive to the future needs in the  eld of health promotion. It is, however, challenging to develop tomorrow’s workforce in a time of big changes in social and health services in Estonia as well as in Finland. The curricula and study programs should be forward looking and responsive to the changing practices. A wide base of competences with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values have been emphasized in the HPP programs rather than considering just a set of skills.
A broad array of competences constitutes a common baseline for all HP roles. The media and communication -course is one example of HPP course which consider the skills demanded by technological advances (digital services, social media, mobile devices) within a broad context. The course offers knowledge and understanding of the role of media in current health promotion. The competencies, as skills, to use interactive digital communication or using technological applications to HP were considered desirable rather than essential according to survey results. However, the media and communication course with wide competence approach became one of the most popular HP-course among students.
HPP-project has managed to integrate the HP-study programs to the current and future curricula within the higher education and vocational training institutions participated in the project. In Tallinn University Haapsalu College HPP programmes are directly connected with the Health Specialist curriculum 2019. Most of the study programmes are part of the obligatory courses and others will be implemented as selective study courses. The alignment of programmes with other partners and Finnish insights provided a broad basis and although the feedback after the testing shaped the initially designed courses, the improvements will continue.

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