Page 55 - HPP
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In Metropolia UAS, the tested HPP-courses will be either integrated in the current curricula or offered as separate courses both at the bachelor degree programs and at the master degree programs in Metropolia UAS. Also the common course platform for the students of three Universities of Applied sciences (Metropolia UAS, Laurea UAS, Haaga Helia UAS) will be used for marketing the tested HPP courses for students as elective courses. The future HPP online courses (3) could also be offered in English e.g. as international summer school courses. The health promotion -master degree program will also be in the future one main platform for implementing and developing tested HPP-courses further. According to the feedback all students considered that the learning in HPP courses will be useful in their future working life.
In Haapsalu Vocational Education and Training Centre, the new courses will be either implemented within the studies of different specialties of vocational curricula under selective modules or some might also be offered as open training courses, therefore reaching the wider population in Läänemaa area. All of the developed programmes are evaluated as highly useful and successful for bringing a health-oriented point of view to the students of vocational education, who according to statistics are prone to more unhealthy behaviours than those of higher educational levels. Since all of the new programmes consist of various topics grouped together, it is also very convenient to incorporate different modules into the pre-existing modules of vocational curricula.

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