Page 50 - HPP
P. 50
Study programme design: Marelle Möll and Indrek Linnuste
Programme implementation: Indrek Linnuste
The aim of the course is to let student know and understand different addictive behaviours. During the course they will get to know the dangers and risks that addictive behaviour poses on health and quality of life. At the end of the course students will understand the nature of alcohol as a substance that can potentially cause dependence, know and understand the dangers and risks related to substance abuse and acknowledge the relation between addictions and behavioural aspects.
e teacher of Haapsalu Vocational Education and Training Centre: I. Linnuste
Addictive behaviour is the perfect illustration to the paradoxical
human nature: the egocentric-anthropocentric idea that human beings are the „crown of creation“ on the one side, while on the other it can so easily be shown just how fragile this illusion of us as rulers of this world really is. We are so easily in uenced by chemical substances, information or manipulative relationships. The best way to avoid turning into a fool is to raise awareness and to build defence mechanisms: in other words, the best defence against the self-destructive addictive behaviour is to take this course!
“This course gave answers to a lot of questions I have had over time! And it made me want to go through these topics again and to learn more.”