Page 48 - HPP
P. 48
Study programme design: Enna Kallasvee and Tagli Pitsi
Programme implementation: Tagli Pitsi
The aim of the course is to let students independently choose, use and collect information on nutrition and interpret it critically and creatively. By the end of the course students will have basic knowledge of human physiology, metabolism and nutritional needs. During the programme they will gain knowledge on how to use programme NutriData. They will analyses menus with the help of NutriData, draw conclusions from its results and make recommendations for improving the shortcomings.
 e teacher of Haapsalu Vocational Education and Training Centre: T. Pitsi
Food and nutrition are topics discussed daily in the media. The
information, however, is often contradictory and nobody knows what to believe and what to discard, what to eat and what to avoid. The course „Basic Nutrition“ covers the basis of nutrition from human physiology to evidence-based recommendations, and teaches how to use this knowledge to make your own diet healthier. Every person should know what, why, how and how much to eat and how to make healthier choices.
“This course made it clear that nutrition is one of the cornerstones of life.”

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