Page 16 - HPP
P. 16
Evidence based information and good communication skills
Future workforce is expected to use appropriate channels and methods for effective communication in HP actions. On the statement level, the most essential sub-competence in communication domain for the Estonian respondents was “to communicate by using evidence based information”; for the Finns “to communicate by using plain language instead of jargon”.
It was surprising that the use of social or new interactive digital communication channels was considered more often as desirable communication competence rather than essential one, by respondents of both countries. Instead, professional communication skills and sources, such as evidence based information, plain language and critical assessment of the sources for HP information, were valued highly by respondents in both countries. In the future professionals have to be able to communicate by using plain language instead of jargon (70 %); to assess critically the sources of HP information (59 %) as well as to communicate by using evidence based information (57 %). Instead, social media was even considered by 32 participants as not relevant.
Related to this trend, cooperation with communication experts was evaluated most often as speci c competence being relevant for some but not for all. Indeed, the traditional communication skills were valued highly by respondents in both countries compared to the use of social media in communication and use of new social media in communication.
Concrete advocacy type of approach and actions were valued highly especially in Estonia. Such competencies as demonstration of the positive impacts and effects of HP actions and a competence to advocate for creating and implementing HP programmes and procedures. Also the use of the best practices in promoting health and well-being was appreciated often as essential competence in implementing HP in both countries.