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as essential competencies in both countries. The sub-competence “to know and apply the core concepts and principles of HP” was valued high in this competence area both by the Estonians and by the Finns. Identi cation of the risk and protection factors was the most essential ub-competence for the Finnish professionals in this domain.
In the Knowledge / Awareness competence domain, the three knowledge areas were considered by more than half of the respondents as essential competence for promoting health and wellbeing in the future in both countries. First, the professionals have to know the core concepts and principles of HP. Second, they have to be able to identify the risk and protection factors of health. Third, in the future a professional has also to identify potential emerging health risks. Identi cation of the risk and protection factors was the most often valued competence by the Finnish professionals (71 %). The Estonian professionals prioritized awareness of the core concepts and principles applied in the  eld, most often (64 %).
To sum up, the knowledge base prioritized here is all about benchmarking awareness of a safe and healthy environment. The knowledge of multidisciplinary HP, its theoretical and research basis as well as awareness of how to reduce inequalities and use technological application are highly appreciated in future HP work. All this relates to the views expressed in other domains and in the FG groups as well. In order to be able to change environmental and socioeconomic conditions which impact health and well- being of people, the professionals have to be aware of risk and protection factors.
The competence to “follow and be aware of the international development in HP” was considered often as a speci c competence, relevant for some, but not for all. This outcome challenges to  nd out ways how to bring the international co-operation closer to the HP  eld. Generally, also the national HP policies and programmes seem to be considered speci c rather than essential knowledge and awareness in the  eld.
You can view Box 1, that opens some detailed descriptions of the competence evaluations in each competence domain and Box 2, that indicates in graphic form the comparison, statement by statement, of means between the Estonian and Finnish respondents.

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