Page 14 - HPP
P. 14
Strengthening citizens’ self-care skills
In the Enable Change domain “the competence to strengthen citizens’ ability to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing” was considered as a top-one sub- competence by the Finnish as well as by the Estonian respondents. The professionals are expected to be able to support and guide people to take responsibility for their own health and well-being to an increasing extent in the future. Participation of people with the lowest level of education and income challenges HP policies and practices considering that these people are in the greatest risk for inequalities in their health status. Indeed, the professionals should have competencies in the future to enable change towards equity in health and wellbeing and to enable all people to achieve their fullest health potential. This trend corresponds with the view expressed by the Focus Groups as well (HPP 2016). Capacity building to decrease polarization and health inequalities was often emphasized by FG participants as well.
Related to this trend, the competence to strengthen cooperation across different sectors and  elds was considered as essential competence by the majority of respondents in both countries. Focus group experts emphasized cross-sectoral approach as one key driver towards holistic human health and well-being instead of sector based silos. Competence to collaborate effectively with specialists from different sectors and  elds was emphasized in both countries as a way to mediate and advocate through partnership.
Skills for need and client-based HP approach were emphasized especially by the Finnish respondents. In both countries the competencies to strengthen HP across the whole population as well as to strengthen community based HP actions were considered desirable ones. The competence to promote the creation of a healthy work and living environment was emphasized as essential one by the Estonian respondents more often compared to the Finnish respondents.
Awareness of the core concepts and principles
The understanding of, and the ability of professionals to apply in practice the theory, research, values and multidisciplinary knowledge base of HP were often considered

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