Page 9 - HPP
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Implementing the principles of HiAP cross-sectorally
Cross-sectoral and Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach was emphasized in both national FGs addressing collaboration and partnership as the basis for HP actions. HP should be cross-sectoral and an obligation to society in all sectors, not just in health and social services. The FG participants in both countries emphasized the role of good governance in implementing HiAP effectively on all levels. “Out of the box” approach was stressed what comes to reach increased effectiveness of HP actions. Interdisciplinary HP training and cross-sectoral work were often mentioned as an asset to co-create holistic approach and to modify HiAP policies, programmes, materials and individual- or community based interventions.
The FG members emphasized the role of good governance in implementing HiAP effectively at all levels. Process based management and relevant data (up-dated, transparent and accessible data and indicators at all levels) was considered as means to get ‘out of the box’ and to increase effectiveness in results.
Citizen-oriented approach
The result of the FG analysis in Estonia and Finland seems to emphasize the sensitivity to citizens’ needs and values as a starting point to co-create citizen-oriented services instead of organization-oriented ones. The view of strengthening community actions was widely shared as a way to advocate against polarization, create credibility and attractiveness in HP. The role of third sector actors and peer-support was emphasized especially in the case of lifestyle changes and behavioural outcomes (physical activity, reducing risk of social exclusion, increasing capacity and social integration).
Figure 1 illustrates the dynamics of future- t HP, initially identi ed in the FG data as three-staged approach starting from the needs of citizens. Citizens are increasingly asked to participate in health and wellbeing promotion in their everyday lives. The enhancing of their daily life skills are supported through Cross-sectoral Health and Welfare policy. The cross- and inter-sectoral approach will strengthen a holistic approach instead of fragmented and sector-based approach.