
Point out at least four most important events what did change the course of the history for the Baltic States (13th – 20th century):
- 4 events for the rest of the region
- 4 events for Latvia/Estonia
- 4 events for Lithuania

What makes Lithuania different form rest of the Baltic countries? Point out critical junctures in Lithuanian history and compare them with Latvia/Estonia

Map the main historical differences between Latvia and Estonia!

Here are the critical junctures of modernization. Compare the Baltic States with your home country:
- Reformation
- The first books printed in native languages, emergence of the wider national book market
- The first universities founded
- Emergence of centralized nation state (almost in the same borders like today)
- Start of national awakening and spread of nationalism
- The first newspapers in national languages
- Start of industrialization/urbanization
- The first railroad
Tõnis Saarts, Tallinn University 2009