lotmani joonis

The Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository was established as a support unit in the framework of Tallinn University 2 April 2018. The responsibility of the unitis to manage the archive and the library of Juri Lotman and Zara Mints, to publicize and to provide access to their materials, and to assist the work of the scholars who study the archive texts or prepare them for publication. Tallinn University is the holder of the copyrights of Juri Lotman’s and Zara Mints’s works and the Repository handles the transfer of copyright.

The archive and home library of the seminal semiotician and theorist of culture Prof. Juri Lotman (1922–1993) and his spouse Prof. Zara Mints (1927–1990), the eminent scholar of the Silver Age in  Russian literature, has been located at the premises of Tallinn University and accessible to scholars there since 2005. Until 2 April 2018 the owner of the holdings and of the copyrights was the Estonian Semiotics Repository Foundation who collaborated with Tallinn University based on a contract of cooperation. 02.04.2018 Tallinn University and the Foundation concluded a transfer of enterprise contract that gave the ownership of both the collections and the copyrights to Tallinn University. The agreement was motivated by the understanding that the institutional framework of the university could best and most efficiently support the sustainable preservation and systematisation of the unique cultural heritage, as well as boost its  involvement in scholarly and publication projects. One major responsibility of the Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository is to organize the annual International Juri Lotman conferences that earlier took place via cooperation between the University and the Foundation.

The home library of Juri Lotman and Zara Mints includes over 15, 000 works, many of them containing marginalia by the owners.  The partially systematized archive contains the couple’s correspondence with scholars and cultural figures in Estonia, Russia and Europe; photographs recording events in personal and public life; lecture notes; drafts and manuscripts of published and unpublished texts. The scholars working in the archive have prepared a great number of publications of the scholarly and cultural  heritage relating to Lotman and Mints, most of them published by the Tallinn University Press.

The regular research evaluation committee in the field of Humanities and Arts that visited Tallinn University 2017 emphasised the value of the collections of the Juri Lotman Semiotic Repository, naming it among the greatest fortes of the university.



rektori 02.04.2018. a
käskkirjaga nr 17


1.1. Juri Lotmani semiootikavaramu (edaspidi varamu) on Tallinna Ülikooli (edaspidi ülikool) tugiüksus, mille eesmärgid on J. Lotmani ja Z. Mintsi raamatukogu ja arhiivi hoidmine, säilitamine, täiendamine, neile teadus- ja õppetöö eesmärgil juurdepääsu võimaldamine ning J. Lotmani ja Z. Mintsi pärandi tutvustamine maailmale.
1.2. Oma tegevuses juhindub varamu Eesti Vabariigi õigusaktidest, ülikooli põhikirjast, varamu põhimäärusest ja teistest õigusaktidest.
1.3. Varamul on oma lihtpitsat.
1.4. Varamu ingliskeelne nimetus on Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository.

Varamu ülesanneteks on:
2.1. säilitada, hallata ja hooldada J. Lotmani ja Z. Mintsi arhiivi, raamatukogu ja annetatud materjale (edaspidi kogu);
2.2. tagada uurijatele, üliõpilastele ja ajaloohuvilistele isikutele juurdepääs kogule teadus- ja õppetöö eesmärgil;
2.3. osaleda riiklikes ning teistes kodumaistes ja rahvusvahelistes teadus- ja arendusprogrammides (sh teadusuuringute läbiviimisel ja tulemuste publitseerimisel);
2.4. arendada koostööd kodu- ja välismaiste partneritega;
2.5. osaleda J. Lotmani ja Z. Mintsi pärandiga seotud teaduskonverentside, külalisloengute jm. ürituste korraldamisel ning populariseerida kogu põhjal tehtud uurimis- ja arendustöö tulemusi;
2.6. koordineerida J. Lotmani ja Z. Mintsi teoste avaldamist ja hallata vastavat informatsiooni.

3.1. Varamu tööd juhib juhataja.
3.2. Juhataja vastutab varamu töö korraldamise ja tegevuse tulemuslikkuse eest.

Varamul on õigus:
4.1. saada ülikooli teistelt üksustelt oma ülesannete täitmiseks vajalikku teavet ja dokumente;
4.2. kasutada oma tööülesannete täitmiseks eraldatud ülikooli ruume ja töövahendeid.
Varamu on kohustatud:
4.3. järgima oma tegevuses ülikooli üldisi eesmärke;
4.4. pakkuma ülikooli üksustele heatasemelist teenust oma tegevusvaldkonnas;
4.5. haldama infot oma tegevusvaldkonna kohta ülikooli välisveebis ja siseinfokanalites;
4.6. tagama ametialase informatsiooni õigsuse ja konfidentsiaalsuse;
4.7. edastama ülikooli teistele üksustele nende ülesannete täitmiseks vajalikku teavet ja dokumente;
4.8. kasutama tema kasutusse antud vara sihipäraselt ja vastutustundlikult.

5.1. Varamu tegevust finantseeritakse vastavalt majanduseeskirjale.
5.2. Teoste avaldamisest ja müügist (sh litsentsi- ja muude autoriõigustega seonduvatest lepingutest) ning muudest tasulistest teenusest saadavaid tulusid kasutatakse varamu tegevuste finantseerimiseks.
5.3. Juhataja koostab varamu eelarveprojekti, mis kinnitatakse vastavalt majanduseeskirjale.

6.1. Juhataja koostab järgmise eelarveaasta tegevuskava ja esitab tegevusaruande vastavalt ülikoolis kehtestatud korrale.
6.2. Varamu tegevusaruande esitab juhataja vastavalt ülikoolis kehtestatud korrale

Activity plan

Activity Plan of the Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020

The Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository started its activities as a support unit of Tallinn University on 2 April 2018. The central task of the unit in 2018 was to comprehensively merge into the structure of Tallinn University, develop cooperation ties with other units and introduce the possibilities that our collections offer for studies and research. The support unit was created through the transfer of the Foundation Estonian Semiotics Repository to Tallinn University and it continues the activities of the Foundation in managing collections and promoting related research and conferences and mediating the copyrights of Juri Lotman and Zara Mints.

1. Conformity with the Tallinn University Rules of Administrative Procedure
1.1 Inclusion in the University’s documentation, budgeting and funding system;
1.2 Coverage of the activities of the unit on the University’s intranet and the external web; creating and updating an informative homepage.
2. Supporting publishing and research projects related to the archive materials, including organising the related international cooperation
2.1 Commented edition of the correspondence of the Lotman family from the II WW period (1940–1946). Compiler and editor Tatjana Kuzovkina. The editor’s advisers Gabriel Superfin and Juri Lotman’s nieces Natalja Obraztsova and Larissa Naidich. The book is published in the ‘Bibliotheca Lotmaniana’ series of Tallinn University. Scheduled publication term: February 2021.
2.2 Personal research funding PUT1366 ‘After the Explosion: Autobiography, Subjectivity and Utterance in Juri Lotman’s Late Works (1.01.2017−31.12.2020)’, Tatjana Kuzovkina, Tallinn University, School of Humanities. (01.01.2017-31.12.2020). Leader Tatjana Kuzovkina.
2.3 PRG319 ‘PRG319 ‘Around the World and Back Again: A Global Typology of the Reception of Estonian Semiotics (1.01.2019−31.12.2023)’, leader Igor Pilshchikov.
3. The organisation of the 12th annual Lotman Days, including an international research conference. The 2021 conference will take place from 11 to 13 June. Over 40 participants with presentations are expected. Organisers Tatjana Kuzovkina, Darja Dorving.
4. The mediation of the copyrights of Juri Lotman and Zara Mints to publishing houses and serial publications.
5. The systematisation and bibliographical description of the archives of Juri Lotman and Zara Mints, the cataloguing and bibliographical description of books in the ESTER catalogue.
6.  The preparation of the events of the Juri Lotman’s Jubilee Year (2022) in cooperation with other units of Tallinn University and the University of Tartu.
7. Increasing the visibility of the Semiotics Repository on social media. Responsible executive: Darja Dorving