
ASSIGNMENT: Ten Question About Knowledge Management: Think-Pair-Share Technique
1) Think about 20 minutes about the following questions:
- What is knowledge management? What are its objectives?
- Distinguish between KM foundation and KM solutions. What are the components of KM foundation and KM solutions?
- Describe briefly knowledge management infrastructure and its components.
- In what way does organizational culture contributes to knowledge management within an organization?
- In what way does knowledge management depends on the organization structure?
- What is common knowledge? What does it include, and how does it support knowledge management?
- What are the four basic knowledge management processes and their subprocesses? Describe briefly these processes.
- Give an example of one knowledge management mechanism that could be used to facilitate each of the four knowledge management processes.
- Give an example of one knowledge management technology that could be used to facilitate each of the four knowledge management processes?
- Briefly explain the four kinds of classification for knowledge management systems based on the process supported. How each KM system can facilitate knowledge management?
2) Pair with another student and discuss your responses to the question during 30 minutes
3) Create a blog called "Knowledge Management Tools and Projects" and share your responses with the whole study group via this blog. Announce the blog URL and why you used that blogging tool for knowledge sharing in the Moodle Forum "Ten Question About Knowledge Management" to your study group.
4) Compare your answers or find help in answering the questions from the learning object "Framework for information and Knowlede Management ".
ASSIGNMENT: Group work
Group work is one pedagogical strategy that promotes participation and interaction. It also fosters a deeper and more active learning process. In addition to exposing students to different approaches and ways of thinking, working with other students in groups can promote a sense of belonging that combats the anonymity and isolation that many students experience at a large campus. Working together in groups also gives students the opportunity to learn from and teach each other. Classroom research has shown that students often learn better from each other than they do from a teacher.
The result of this collaborative group work will be a short document (1500-200 words) presenting the knowledge management systems/tools.
1) Get together in small study groups of five or seven.
2) Post the message to the Forum "Knowledge Management Systems/Tools" telling to your study group about the name of your group [you can choose the name yourself] and the names of the members of your group.
3) Each group reads the study materials and finds resources on the Internet on the knowledge management systems/tools assigned to that group.
4) Each group meets periodically to discuss the topic.
5) Each group prepares a summary document (1500-200 words) for presentation to the tutor (should be sent to on Friday 2nd July) .
Knowledge Management Systems/Tools
Group One : Knowledge Discovery Systems /Tools
Group Two : Knowledge Capture Systems /Tools
Group Three: Knowledge Sharing Systems /Tools
Group Four: Knowledge Application Systems /Tools
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives 3.0 License
Sirje Virkus, Tallinn University, 2011