decodeProperties(array ( 'file_dependency' => array ( '749422d4cfc3eb5677cf499730392b6accd4d1c7' => array ( 0 => '.\\templates\\index.tpl', 1 => 1332227987, 2 => 'file', ), '0debd65d8a9db561a3ba3fd862046bf4e41cc1db' => array ( 0 => '.\\configs\\test.conf', 1 => 1332227988, 2 => 'file', ), '10e0737838b4a574ef135d0c601e7b602cfaf37a' => array ( 0 => '.\\templates\\header.tpl', 1 => 1332227987, 2 => 'file', ), '1be7ff7fdee636597edd726ee98dfef4bfd55d1f' => array ( 0 => '.\\templates\\footer.tpl', 1 => 1332227988, 2 => 'file', ), ), 'nocache_hash' => '49444f683028559900-24880387', 'variables' => array ( 'SCRIPT_NAME' => 0, 'Name' => 1, 'FirstName' => 0, 'LastName' => 0, 'contacts' => 0, 'option_values' => 0, 'option_selected' => 0, 'option_output' => 0, ), 'has_nocache_code' => true, 'version' => 'Smarty-3.1.8', 'unifunc' => 'content_4f683028d53295_18991965', 'cache_lifetime' => 120, ),true); /*/%%SmartyHeaderCode%%*/?>
Title: Welcome To Smarty! The current date and time is 2012-03-20 08:22:16 The value of global assigned variable $SCRIPT_NAME is /kursus/smarty/Smarty-3.1.8/demo/index.php Example of accessing server environment variable SERVER_NAME: localhost The value of {$Name} is tpl_vars['Name']->value;?> variable modifier example of {$Name|upper} tpl_vars['Name']->value, 'UTF-8');?> An example of a section loop: 1 * John Doe 2 * Mary Smith 3 . James Johnson 4 . Henry Case An example of section looped key values: phone: 1
fax: 2
cell: 3
phone: 555-4444
fax: 555-3333
cell: 760-1234
testing strip tags
This is a test |