Page 12 - Tallinn University Guidelines for Formatting a Doctoral Thesis
P. 12
 Photo material can be submitted to the publisher in the following ways:
o A digital photo:
 Not bigger than 12.5x19.5 cm;
 Resolution or dots per inch 300 dpi;
 The author must consider the fact that later resizing of the photo
influences its quality;
o Photo on paper or a slide;
o A scanned photo:
 Not bigger than 12.5x19.5 cm;
 Resolution or dots per inch 300 dpi;
 Saved in TIFF or JPG (unpacked) format;
 The author must consider the fact that later resizing of the scanned
photo influences its quality.
 The maximum width of a table is 12.5 cm and height 19.5 cm in portrait format. Tables may also be positioned in the thesis in landscape format. In this case the maximum width of a table is 19.5 cm and height 12.5 cm. Some tables may be exceptionally long and continue on several pages.
 Tables are created in a text-processing programme with commands designated for that purpose (e.g. add  table), which enables one to precisely determine the width and height of columns and rows. Tables may be formatted with or without visible borders. The tabulator key, the space key and the text box, are not used for creating a table.
 Tables are numbered. The number and caption of the table are presented above the table.
 The maximum width of figures is 12.5 cm and height 19.5 cm in portrait format. Figures may also be positioned in the thesis in landscape format. In this case the maximum width of a figure is 19.5 cm and height 12.5 cm. The figures in the text of the thesis must be presented in correct size and the original electronic document shall be added (e.g. a Microsoft Excel file) when submitting the thesis.
 In formatting figures and graphs, the author must keep in mind that the thesis is printed in black and white. Therefore it is preferable to choose colours with different shades of lightness and darkness to distinguish columns, sectors and lines or use differently marked surfaces and lines.
 The details of figures and illustrations prepared with graphic tools of Microsoft Word, OpenOffice and other such software must be grouped together in case the programme does not do that.

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