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P. 23
The dissertation is based on these four papers, which are referred to in the analytical overview by Roman numerals:
I. Värnik, A., Sisask, M., Värnik, P., Wu, J., Kõlves, K., Arensman, E., Maxwell, M., Reisch, T., Gusmão, R., van Audenhove, C., Scheerder, G., van der Feltz-Cornelis, C. M., Coffey, C., Kopp, M., Szekely, A., Roskar, S., & Hegerl, U. (2011). Drug suicide: a sex-equal cause of death in 16 European countries. BMC Public Health, 11(1), 61.
II. Yur'yev, A., Leppik, L., Tooding, L.-M., Sisask, M., Värnik, P., Wu, J., & Värnik, A. (2010). Social inclusion affects elderly suicide mortality. International Psychogeriatrics, 22(8), 1337–1343.
III. Wu, J., Värnik, A., Tooding, L.-M., Värnik, P., & Kasearu, K. (2013) (in print). Suicide among older people in relation to their subjective and objective well-being in different European regions. European Journal of Ageing, DOI 10.1007/s10433-013-0297-1.
IV. Wu, J., Kasearu, K., Värnik, A., Tooding, L.-M., & Trommsdorff, G. (submitted). Associations between quality of relationship, attachment styles and life satisfaction of elderly mothers in Estonia, Germany, Russia and China.
Author’s contribution
I. Participating in data analysis and interpretation, participating in writing the manuscript and revising it critically for important intellectual content, and giving final approval to the manuscript.
II. Participating in data collection and analysis, participating in writing the manuscript, and giving final approval to the manuscript.
III., IV. Formulating the research question, creating research design, checking and validating data, carrying out data analysis and interpretation, writing the manuscript, revising it critically for important intellectual content, and giving final approval to the manuscript.