Page 41 - Tallinn University
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according to KrIsTJaN POrT, who instructs health scientists and sportsmen in Tallinn University, a shift of paradigm is taking place in both Estonian and world sports, where people are moving away from world-class sports toward people’s sport.
This is also evident in university study pro- grammes, where, for example, such combina- tions as teacher of mathematics and physical education are both taught. “Cycling is a good example here - in Europe it is a popular people’s sport, a form of transportation and a sports event all, at the same time,” says Port.
“Firstly, a bicycle has a nice equipment that one can repair on one’s own. Secondly, a bicycle takes you to new environments, which means it offers a lot emotionally. Thirdly, cycling does not damage a person’s body in a way that for example running does and thus it is very good for overweight people.”
The recognised sports scientist stays with the university because of students. “Students are such exciting partners who surprise you where you don´t expect it. I have always been very interested in what happens to these young people who come to study at university. It is exciting to see how their technological and social skills change, and their physical and mental maturity takes place.”
“The hobby of exercising is the development that separates man from animal. When you look around in nature you don’t see any animals running around without a reason – you don’t see an antelope in the forest making a fifth round just for the sake of exercise.”
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Every year the TU lecture series “University of Health and Physical Activity” and “Move Consciusly” educate hundreds of people interested in sports.

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