Page 23 - Tallinn University
P. 23
The multicultural world requires the skills to know and relate to very different world views. At TU, one can study the greatest number of different languages and cultures in Estonia.
onE pRESidEnT,
oNE PRofESSoR of
arabic culture!”
OTTO JasTrOW, professor of arabic language and culture, spends the summers with his family in germany and in winter, teaches students in Tallinn University and carries out research. students praise the professor´s experience and commitment.
“I like Estonia, because it is a free country. I like Tallinn, because it
is in a good sense the most urban place where I have lived. I like Tallinn University for its openness and the friendliness of colleagues. I like my students, because they are nice, elegant, polite and very much interested in my teaching. They are very interested in the Middle East and are eagerly investigating ways to get there.
Every morning when I wake up
and hear the screeches of seagulls
and hoots of departing ships, I say
to myself: I am really in Tallinn. Sometimes, when I walk in Tallinn,
I say to myself: I am not here as a tourist, I came with a mission. There is one president here, one prime minister, one mayor and one professor of the Arabic language and culture – and that person is me. Maybe all this sounds a bit crazy, but at the same time it explains well why I am so
glad to be in Estonia and in Tallinn
CulTural COMPeTenCes

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