Page 16 - Tallinn University
P. 16
„Psychology is commonly connected to clinical psychology and counselling, but in reality the range of activities of the graduates is much wider – as a pleasant surprise, you might eventually find yourself active in the field of architectural psychology or personnel management.”
to creation
some time ago, four girls met in their bachelor’s study programme of psychology. Now, they have started a successful company, PsIENCE, which operates in the field of personnel and psychology services. We shall introduce their employees: the founders, aNNE-MarI ErNEsaKs, EVa- MarIa KaNgrO, KaTrIN NOOrMÄgI and the most recent member – KaI aUgEr.
“We met during our first year at university and gradu- ated together from bachelor programme in psychology; the length of the study programme at that time was four years,” describes one of the owners of the company, Eva- Maria Kangro.
“Because we studied together, we got to know one another well and soon Anne-Mari and myself started to develop the idea of having our own company.
Experiences from our psychology studies had convinced us that applying psychology in business could be some- thing more than just a crazy idea.

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