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Health Promotion Programme (HPP) was a cross-border cooperation project between Helsinki-Uusimaa and Läänemaa region that provides an insight about the future skill needs in health promotion (HP). As a result of the project several new and updated study programmes were designed, tested and improved. Direct use of all the programmes is connected with the following partner organisations:
EUROPEAN UNION European Regional Development Fund
Tallinn University Haapsalu College was invol- ved as the lead partner and thus responsible for the management, communication and additionally for the programme development tasks.
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences led the rst stage of the project -the identi cation of the training needs that was based on a literature research and conducted through several focus group interviews and online survey in HP sector.
Haapsalu Vocational Education and Training Centre led the testing of all the programmes and gathered feedback from the students and teachers. Based on that, adjustments in all programmes were made.
All activities were carried out by the funding of European Regional Fund through Interreg Central Baltic Programme under the priority: Skilled and socially inclusive region.
The timeframe of the project was July 2016 – December 2019.