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Tallinn Summer School & Winter School
Tallinn Summer School, organised since 2006, is a three-week programme running in July, which combines a wide range of courses with a rich, diverse cultural programme and attracts participants from all over the world. In addition to a variety of social events, the participants visit museums, historical sights, places of cultural importance, and see some of the nature of Estonia on weekend trips to different locations within the country.
Tallinn Winter School, organised since 2010, is a three-week programme running in January, which includes different short courses and provides a fascinating cultural programme. Tallinn Winter School has a casual and relaxed atmosphere, yet still maintains a scholastic approach as well as the acceptance of a wide diversity of opinions.
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The School of Educational Sciences offers several innovative training courses during Tallinn Summer and Winter School. In addition, some of our courses can be ordered on demand, whereas a one-month preparation period must be taken into account. In case you are interested in a tailor-made course focused only on your specific
needs, please contact us directly at

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